Friday, 3 April 2009

Calling all space cadets. Don't give your minds away to gurus!

I've met a lot of dissenters and 'shouter downers' in my time and they have kicked me when I've been weak, especially during my more 'spaced out' years as a younger man. So here's a post in praise of the space cadets.

I talk, write and blog in first person a lot. I do this specifically so that the reader sees my version of reality as subjective on a conscious, sub conscious and even unconscious level. If I tell you that someone said something to me, rather than say it in a disembodied, depersonalized way, you will be less likely to take what I say as gospel.

But then who am I to assume you’re that gullible?

Here’s a long winded answer: I’ve read many things from many ‘gurus’ and ‘prophets’, and even been taken for an idiot by a lot of them in ‘real’ life too, back in my more impressionable younger years, I’ve been tempted to give my mind away. As a result I accept that this may be read by many people at many different levels of the path that they’re on. Some of these people will be experienced shamans (for want of a better word, but you know what I mean, kind of), and other people reading this are likely to be lost space cadets at risk of being made to feel second fiddle to whatever guru comes along to do their thinking for them. But in my opinion, the space cadet is potentially better off than an ignoramus of consensus reality, because he or she has an open (if somewhat frazzled) mind, and is open to make mistakes along the way until he eventually becomes a space commander, and works out how to land the ship!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right; dont become the offspring of people who deem themselves better than others.
Take advise, take suggestions, but do not blindly follow some person's routine...
What guru's do is procreate without making babies. They force their personality onto you; in effect copying themselves a bit.
All humans are masters. They just need to wake up. Better to take gurus as equals and just take their words as suggestions.